Outreach & Workshops

Churchill Center & School’s Sandra K. Gilligan School Partnerships & Outreach Program is essential in strengthening our mission of fostering greater understanding and support for all people with learning disabilities by training other educators, supporting families, and enlightening the community.

Since the inception of our Community Outreach Program in 1990, more than 37,500 educators, parents, students, and other supporters have been given the opportunity to experience and broaden their understanding of learning disabilities.

We offer Teacher Workshops, Parent Workshops, Student Workshops, Community Service Events, and a Speaker Series. Each one of these programs offers our community a variety of services to recognize learning disabilities and to then equip the participants with strategies and knowledge to offer further assistance.

Reviews from Outreach Program Attendees:

  • “What a great role model Churchill Center & School is for our community.”
    – Educational Program Director
  • “Please accept my gratitude for your willingness to come and speak with our staff. There’s a lot of exciting things happening with study skills — a daily “organizational tip of the day,” teachers actively teaching study skills, and many more ideas brewing.”
    – Middle School Director
  • “You had a positive impact on me when you presented at our school, and I am still using your references.”
    – High School Principal
  • “Faculty members found the topics to be pertinent and directed to their needs and concerns.”
    – Learning Consultant
  • “The speakers were fascinating and I am avidly reading their book, Overcoming Dyslexia. I am very impressed with the knowledge base of the teachers at Churchill as well as their dedication and professionalism!”
    – St. Louis Area Psychologist
  • “Both presenters were terrific and all in attendance left with a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm to begin a new school year.”
    – Elementary Principal

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Speaker Series Featuring Rick Lavoie


Sandra K. Gilligan School Partnerships & Outreach Speaker Series

FEATURING: Rick Lavoie, M.A., M.Ed.
WHEN: Monday, April 4, 2022
TIME: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
WHERE: Churchill Center & School


"Kids Don't Come with Batteries Included: The Parents' Role in Motivating the Struggling Learner"

Parents often feel helpless and hopeless when a child's teacher reports that "...he is unmotivated in the classroom." However, there are many strategies that parents can use at home that will generalize into improved progress and effort at school. By teaching and fostering a sense of "work ethic" on the homefront, the child's behavior and performance at school tends to improve.

Among the topics covered in this session are:
• Helping kids develop and maintain effective "support systems"
• Using daily chores to foster effective work ethic
• Decreasing homework hassles
• Enhancing home/school communication
• Handling the report card effectively.

Rick Lavoie served as an administrator of residential programs for children with special needs for 30 years. He has served as a consultant on Learning Disabilities to several agencies and organizations.

Rick has delivered his message to over 500,000 parents and professionals throughout North America, Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong. He has the distinction of having delivered Keynote Addresses for all three of the major special needs advocacy organizations in the United States (Learning Disabilities Association, Council for Exceptional Children, Children with Attention Deficit Disorder).

Rick’s intensive experiences at residential schools provided him with a “living laboratory” in which he developed and refined his methods and philosophies related to the education of children and adolescents with special needs.

Most parents and professionals know Rick through his videos "How Difficult Can This Be? The F.A.T. City Workshop", "Last One Picked, First One Picked On: The Social Implications of Learning Disabilities" and “When the Chips are Down: Learning Disabilities and Discipline”. These classic, award-winning films have brought Rick’s sensitive and compelling message to countless thousands throughout the world.

Join us. Register now!

PRESENTED BY: The Margaret and Richard Riney Family Foundation Fund

Churchill's proven methods and well-trained faculty change the lives of children who struggle with dyslexia, ADHD and other learning disabilities.