Outreach & Workshops

Churchill Center & School’s Sandra K. Gilligan School Partnerships & Outreach Program is essential in strengthening our mission of fostering greater understanding and support for all people with learning disabilities by training other educators, supporting families, and enlightening the community.

Since the inception of our Community Outreach Program in 1990, more than 37,500 educators, parents, students, and other supporters have been given the opportunity to experience and broaden their understanding of learning disabilities.

We offer Teacher Workshops, Parent Workshops, Student Workshops, Community Service Events, and a Speaker Series. Each one of these programs offers our community a variety of services to recognize learning disabilities and to then equip the participants with strategies and knowledge to offer further assistance.

Reviews from Outreach Program Attendees:

  • “What a great role model Churchill Center & School is for our community.”
    – Educational Program Director
  • “Please accept my gratitude for your willingness to come and speak with our staff. There’s a lot of exciting things happening with study skills — a daily “organizational tip of the day,” teachers actively teaching study skills, and many more ideas brewing.”
    – Middle School Director
  • “You had a positive impact on me when you presented at our school, and I am still using your references.”
    – High School Principal
  • “Faculty members found the topics to be pertinent and directed to their needs and concerns.”
    – Learning Consultant
  • “The speakers were fascinating and I am avidly reading their book, Overcoming Dyslexia. I am very impressed with the knowledge base of the teachers at Churchill as well as their dedication and professionalism!”
    – St. Louis Area Psychologist
  • “Both presenters were terrific and all in attendance left with a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm to begin a new school year.”
    – Elementary Principal

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This is Huck Finn with a longer sentence to see how it starts to wrap

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Churchill's proven methods and well-trained faculty change the lives of children who struggle with dyslexia, ADHD and other learning disabilities.